27 July 2007

Need direction

I won't be posting for a short time while I figure out what I'm going to do with this blog and my website, etc.

20 July 2007


Or the real deal here:

Well, I'll be damned...

... at various times while I was growing up, I had a terrible, vindictive, and often just plain ornery tendency to bring up, or rather, spontaneously create a confrontation between family members or be ridiculous for attention; often both at the same time. One time I asked my uncle, while our whole family was eating dinner, something about farting on his girlfriend's head (she was there too) which was something I heard my grandmother gossiping about with other family earlier. Real lowbrow.
Long story short, my grandmother and other family told me that my tendency to do such was equivalent to "stirring the shit" and I should "knock it off" because, essentially, I was pissing people off.
Moral of the story is: It's time for our legislature to quit "stirring the shit" by not being allowed to fulfill their constitutional duties. Get those Executive Orders-ers out!
And to put that into an all too spooky yet very potential context:

19 July 2007


Sorry I missed a day again. But who am I kidding? Here are two for you 'cause I care:

16 July 2007


Sorry I missed yesterday's. I was frickin' busy...
Here are two to make it up:

"It must be a peace without victory...Victory would mean peace forced upon the loser, a victor's terms imposed upon the vanquished. It would be accepted in humiliation, under duress, at an intolerable sacrifice, and would leave a sting, a resentment, a bitter memory upon which terms of peace would rest, not permanently, but only as upon quicksand. Only a peace between equals can last."


13 July 2007

I'm no conspiracy nut...

... but the only resounding 'evidence' undermining the 9/11 inside job theory has come from Noam Chomsky who insists that if it were the case - it would have leaked. Evidence otherwise is well documented in nearly theatrical productions such as this one.

But hey - I see a correlation between these two reports.



This is getting ridiculous.
Even if Al Qaeda existed in the capacity which 'officials' claim - we must ask ourselves why they would attack us. It's not because we're free - because we're not. That much I'm sure.

I would also like to add that I'm just as likely to believe an 'Al Qaeda' threat video as much as I believe what we've been told of the nature of the Saddam statue incident.

Echo... echo... echo...


I used a clip from this...

... in a tune.

The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, signed on May 9, 2007 declares that in the event of a “catastrophic event”, George W. Bush can become what is best described as "a dictator"...

I bet anybody a dollar that there will some sort of 'terrorist attack' on the US and not only will Bush utilize his newly granted executive powers but we will extend our war on terror (and, of course, continue to maintain the DoD's no-bid contracts with Halliburton subsidiaries).



It's time for a change

If we, as a nation, are proud of the international damage and drain of the Vietnam war, and the current escapade in Iraq, then by all means keep following the drivel oozing out of the mouths of our three biggest asses.

If you feel like being an honest patriot and giving credit where due to the one individual who can be attributed with ending our occupation in Vietnam - setting a precedent for ending the Iraq excursion - then please listen to what Mike Gravel has to say.

When HRC, or any other presidential candidate, does for this country what Mike Gravel has done (setting out to end an unjust war with conviction) - then I will consider voting for them. Until then, as an educated patriot, Gravel gets my vote.

Gravel filibustering the Vietnam draft - a true hero:

The Human Rights Campaign wouldn't invite Gravel to the first ever debate on gay rights - he suspects because the 'top-tier' candidates didn't want to face somebody who would steal the show based on his outstanding support for gay rights (compared with their meager public conviction). Hear what he had to say about that.

Oops - a flip flopper in progress. Looks like he will be taking part after all.

Hillary and Edwards working on cutting out Gravel (among others) of future debates:

12 July 2007



Is this a threat?

Creepy. Disgusting. Just plain wrong. If we're so certain this is going to happen, what preventative measures are we taking? Are we going to leave it up to FEMA? We know how they handled Katrina... Although, it's important to remember who benefits from acts of terror. It certainly isn't the Iraqis.

If you're interesting in learning about the neo-conservative agenda and where its ideological perspective developed - or about where and what Al-Qaeda actually is - watch this three-part BBC documentary titled 'the Power of Nightmares'.

You can watch part one of three here:

09 July 2007


What if...

And maybe the levees were blown up in 2005. Who knows?

Listen closely

It never fails: ask some serious questions to "serious" candidates and you get fancy, ambiguous rhetoric or you get questions in response such as "we need to ask ourselves..." etc.

Luckily, there are serious candidates such as Kucinich, or the candidate who will be getting my vote - Gravel, who answer from a fundamental platform I can personally identify with. Let's face it, after Bush the , even Hillary seems like she'd make a great president (or a step in the right direction, however minor it seems).

07 July 2007





Well, that's just great

I just moved to Santa Fe and already...

Via KOAT7:

'Santa Fe Officials Want Data On Radioactive Waste'

I, most certainly, don't want to be another victim of the reckless handling of nuclear anything - bombs, waste, and their saucy little byproduct. It's ironic; my Wikipedia Article of the Day was the section on military applications of depleted uranium. [See earlier post.]

I wonder if there are any communities at risk already from the waste as it flows now down the Rio Grande. I also wonder why unnamed officials want to divert the river near Santa Fe as I'm most certain they themselves are aware of this fact.

Coincidentally I have a grandmother who used to work at that same laboratory. Also, I will be inquiring into the land downstream of the lab and who it is that may already be affected.

Article printed below in case the worst happens and the news station pulls it.

Santa Fe Officials Want Data On Radioactive Waste

POSTED: 1:42 pm MDT July 6, 2007
UPDATED: 5:34 pm MDT July 6, 2007

SANTA FE, N.M. -- Officials managing a project to divert Rio Grande water to the Santa Fe area are seeking more information on possible pollution draining down from Los Alamos National Laboratory.

They reacted Thursday to a request from the executive director of Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, Joni Arends.

She asked planners of the $145 million Buckman direct diversion project to check into possible pollution from the nuclear lab.

05 July 2007

I need a white collar job




First second post

The move to NM went well. I was pleased to find out the guys featured at wilsonsupport.org live here thanks to... GWB? Never thought I'd write that. Ambassador Joseph Wilson has been appearing on TV news lately because of the recent controversy over Scooter's lucky-break. (That's the difference between poor-trash and rich-trash, the rich can get the get-out-of-jail-free card. They're the ones playing Monopoly.) Follow headlines at rawstory.com or crooksandliars.com to learn more. About everything.


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