07 July 2007

Well, that's just great

I just moved to Santa Fe and already...

Via KOAT7:

'Santa Fe Officials Want Data On Radioactive Waste'

I, most certainly, don't want to be another victim of the reckless handling of nuclear anything - bombs, waste, and their saucy little byproduct. It's ironic; my Wikipedia Article of the Day was the section on military applications of depleted uranium. [See earlier post.]

I wonder if there are any communities at risk already from the waste as it flows now down the Rio Grande. I also wonder why unnamed officials want to divert the river near Santa Fe as I'm most certain they themselves are aware of this fact.

Coincidentally I have a grandmother who used to work at that same laboratory. Also, I will be inquiring into the land downstream of the lab and who it is that may already be affected.

Article printed below in case the worst happens and the news station pulls it.

Santa Fe Officials Want Data On Radioactive Waste

POSTED: 1:42 pm MDT July 6, 2007
UPDATED: 5:34 pm MDT July 6, 2007

SANTA FE, N.M. -- Officials managing a project to divert Rio Grande water to the Santa Fe area are seeking more information on possible pollution draining down from Los Alamos National Laboratory.

They reacted Thursday to a request from the executive director of Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, Joni Arends.

She asked planners of the $145 million Buckman direct diversion project to check into possible pollution from the nuclear lab.

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