13 July 2007

It's time for a change

If we, as a nation, are proud of the international damage and drain of the Vietnam war, and the current escapade in Iraq, then by all means keep following the drivel oozing out of the mouths of our three biggest asses.

If you feel like being an honest patriot and giving credit where due to the one individual who can be attributed with ending our occupation in Vietnam - setting a precedent for ending the Iraq excursion - then please listen to what Mike Gravel has to say.

When HRC, or any other presidential candidate, does for this country what Mike Gravel has done (setting out to end an unjust war with conviction) - then I will consider voting for them. Until then, as an educated patriot, Gravel gets my vote.

Gravel filibustering the Vietnam draft - a true hero:

The Human Rights Campaign wouldn't invite Gravel to the first ever debate on gay rights - he suspects because the 'top-tier' candidates didn't want to face somebody who would steal the show based on his outstanding support for gay rights (compared with their meager public conviction). Hear what he had to say about that.

Oops - a flip flopper in progress. Looks like he will be taking part after all.

Hillary and Edwards working on cutting out Gravel (among others) of future debates:

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